Kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral
Kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral

ANd even with that the tones are not great. I would have had to increase my exposure time by 3-4 stops minimal. One is Amidol and the other is Pyro Plus Paper developer. Speaking of developers I know of two that don't work with it at all. It could be I have not found a developer to match with it. In its more neutral form it is arguably even more flexible than it was under the Agfa banner.After reseaching to find if photographers liked Kentmere, I went ahead and ordered some 8x10 and 11x14 paper. My 25 sheets of 20x16 seem very much like the Agfa I remember, though the former had a warmer base and somewhat glossier finish. This makes it a marvellous paper as it can nestle with MGIV AND MGWT and not look out of place. Its only next to MGIV or FP that you see how it is a little warm. The base is pretty neutral and not too stark and the image tone, though slightly warm, is neutral compared to MGWT.

kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral

The surface is better than MGIV but not quite as luscious as MGWT. Certainly I have some images that have printed on this paper like no other. The fineprint looks stark/harsh in comparison. when you have images from various papers. The base is very brigth and this can cause problems with displaying images together matted such that the paper base shows as a border. Not even close to MGWT's glow and juiciness!įineprint is super with high contrast negs but terrible at the top end as you say.

kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral

MGIV has no substitute when you want max contrast and neutral tones, but I hate the surface too. Would a stronger dilution and maybe 3 minutes of time in the developer give me any better luck with the blacks on the Kentmere? Basically I want the Kentmere paper, but with MGIV's blacks. I'm currently using LPD 1:4 and developing for 2 minutes. What are others users thoughts and opinions? Particularly about Kentmere's low Dmax, and problems with higher contrast settings. It seems to dull, definitely not like MGWT glossy finish, which I love. I'm not crazy about Ilford MGIV's glossy finish surface. The Kentmere paper seems to not be able to handle the higher grades (4 &5) and still produce true Dmax, which sucks for split grade printing which I do sometimes. Kentmere Fineprint is a beautiful paper, tones wonderfully in selenium and I believe is colder than MGIV, has a better glossy surface too.

kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral

I don't have too much expereince with the Kentmere paper since Ilford took over. I've been bouncing back and forth between Ilford MGIV and Kentmere Fineprint.

kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral

I've been in the hunt for a neutral toned paper for the past few years to add along side of my favorite paper, MGWT.

Kentmere fineprint vc fb neutral